Trix and Treats


welcome lovely citizens of the internet to the online diary of a particularly anxious teenage girl. You can call me Trix.
This is my first neocities website and my first time coding HTML as a somewhat technologically challenged person so bear with me. I love to write and take photo's and be in nature, I've always been drawn to the ways I can control how I see the world and control the way the world see's me. Through the lense of my camera or a gentle nudge from some choice adjectives it can feel like everything changes and everything can seem so beautiful. I want this website to be my own little personal portfolio, I hope you enjoy looking through it xxx

some of my interests include:

and here's my mini blog.


Here's the link to my pinterest I love a range of different styles and my taste in fashion changes on an almost daily basis I have tried (unsuccessfully) to sew my own clothes but I mainly thrift for outfits which makes me sound all cool and eco counsciuos but is actually because I'm a teenager with no job so I'm experienced at finding affordable fashion stuff I'm planning to make a page dedicated to fashion stuff at some point but as you can probably see, this site is still underconstruction.




Are you:





none of your damn business

Inline CSS Example